so many paragraphs i wanna reply to and say "THANK YOU SO FUCKING MUCH FOR BEING YOU!"

personally i come here and give my honest opinion about shit when i can. i dont do it much oftne because, well...i just dont. but on occasion ill give a thumbs up to what i feel is honest work, for a video game. Magic's dedication to this game and wat i experienced on Hoodlum can't really be "remade", so i can see why that kind of "flattery" isnt the most sincere on this forum. As skaters we're suppose to sot of thrive off of originality, even when it stems from something we already know.
The basis for what i think we all feel to be original and fresh has obviously subsided as the series has taken an incredibly sharp nose-dive into the abyss of the public eye, but we al know, with a little bit of grease and work you can rekindle the same type of crazy stuff we did years ago (fuck i feel old typing that).

tl;dr I basically think we all are tired of ugly people being ugly.