
Another THPS 2 remake, probably the most memerable level in that game, and certainly one of my favourites too. It's not 100% accurate, the area to the right from where you start I redisigned to my own creation. I didn't inculude the carlsbad gap that is in the original due to space issues (lack of terain meter and lack of space to put in the correct place)
Again it's not filled with fine detail and especially as you get towards the back end of the park the detailing becomes less and less , This will be my last park of this size, im going to focus on trying to make smaller but more detailed parks in the future.

ONto the Pics!

Getting props to stay suck into objects is a pain in the ass, they will pop out if you smash into them hard, if that happens just enter and exit park editor mode and they should fix themselfs, (they may only reset if the merge glitch is enabled, I didnt test if they reset correctly in an updated game, hope they work fine.

Hope you enjoy! Comments and criticism welcome.