Thanks a lot for the comments guys!

OkWiider - Thank you for the kind words about the flow of the edit and the cams. That's pretty much my focus when I'm fakeskating. Trick/Spot selection is important, but I will take style and aesthetics over technical difficulty any day. That's not a judgement against anyone else. I actually enjoy watching a vid that has a tepid edit but some crazy hard tricks. I just don't have the patience/skill to get enough of those type of clips lol - so I make up for it with style. hahaha.

Oh. and I'm starting a new team it's called Supreme. If you want to be on it let me know - I'm holding round one of the sponsorship playoffs on my new indie-rap-e-commerce/skate/blogtublr. pm me for more info cuz I don't want the addy getting out to too many people and this shit blowing up. Want to keep it organic...

Mamba - I want to sincerely thank you for always giving me a reply on my threads. I don't spend a lot of time around here any more other than lurking and posting dumb shit in the Other section, so it's nice to feel a little love and appreciation from an OG. When the fuck is the new Threat full coming out??!?!?!
I almost didn't include the seatbelt blunt... guess I made the right choice! The triple grind was a total fluke and I haven't been able to replicate it or anything close to it since. Hell I just barely got my learner's permit for double grinds. hahaha I will take what I can get tho.

<3 you guys for the comments. Everyone else can eat a bag of dicks!