Yeah I know you guys all hate request threads and sorry, but I came across this today and thought it would be an amazing spot to skate and film and I think everybody else will surely agree.

The Museum of Man did an exhibit on skateboard culture and put this ramp inside, would be an epic CAP I think, hard to make detailed as the walls and all that but what a setting.

I'm on xbox but if anybody remade this it would be awesome, I never thought I'd see a half-pipe in a museum, crazy how skateboarding has changed over the years.

This is a link about the half-pipe and more photos of it.

And this is just a super sick blog by the guys who made the ramp, it has tons of parks they've done that are relatively small but creative and awesome photos, I found the pipe on their page and figured you guys might dig some of the other content.

Anybody who tries this gets my e-respect and It'd be appreciated.