At 3:21
Well, i thought i will write my comment after I've watched the whole thing...
but I had to stop the video to write my comment before I would have forgotten to say something important.

Basically this is super-facking-dopefully entertaining ! I was REALLY amazed because of those grind-to-gap's you did...wowww...

In this point Let me finish the video

Second song, first trick ! Sweet and I liked that idea you did with PVR.
5:17 Nosebonk lateshuv, next nollieflip crooks and following random-spin to manny were so damn good. Close to favourites in this video.
Ender was crazy...never thought that gap is possible.

DAmn this was crazy entertaining video. Didn't feel like 6 and half minutes at all. All those insane doublegrinds made me.
