Quote Originally Posted by thesignguy View Post
I would put Demz, Magic, DJ Adam, Pawn and a few others ahead of anyone on BKS as far as being influential. Even Clay I think came up with the mid trick switch stance glitch haha

besides southy is far better with the stix than Kanen in my eyes
can't deny that. But they did represent what was realistic for many people I think. I mean Demz and all those other guys are influential and all, but I personally have never seen them like kanen or anyone else from bks, because I was just more into the realistic stuff.. It's true that they're arrogant pricks, but I don't really care, because imo they pushed realistic skating, without kanen or innout, I would've never thought of popovers or dub grinds like smith-feebs.. I'm not saying they were the first ones to do that stuff, but for many people like me, they were the first ones to show.

thats the thing, they've never represented the community. of all the truly influential people from this community, they are the only ones who have tricked people into liking them. people like Demz have never had to claim to be someone else to get noticed, thats why his name gets used in other peoples tags on youtube, because he really has had an effect on skate. but they use manipulation to get people to like their stuff.
did they ever say they represented the skate community like albert does? I've never seen them do that. (I started following them just before s2 came out so I might've missed some things in the early days.) I don't see the fact that they tricked people into liking their stuff.. I saw a couple of montages of them and I loved 'em, I never connected them to ea or black box..