So..i've been here a while. Seen a lot of e-skating. Seen alot of good skating...and more bad. I've always asked myself when filming, "is this shit better than the shit i put out last time?" and then i end up re-doing my whole trick because its not good enough or not challenging enough. I say this to ask you this question, or questions as it were.

Do you think you've progressed in your e-skating since you've started playing skate?
How do you think you've progressed?
Do up the antee each time you make a part/solo?

I guess i bring this up mostly because ive seen a lot of people progress and put out incredible shit vs a lot of people who have been around and switch up maybe 2 or 3 trick everytime i see their part. I know its a game, but in all honesty, make it challenging in some way. I'm not asking for a 5-10 minute part of double-grind bangers, but just think about the trick your doing and if they really are different than what youve put out for the last 1-5 years.