The two founders of Eastborough's most well shops: DEVDSTCK (deadstock) both grew up as skaters from Greensburg setting up ramps in alleys and warehouses. When Murphy and Doug decided to combine skateboarding and rare sneakers into one shop they agreed it would only make sense to make a warehouse for all the locals to skate. After months of building and work with Insidemanager for the designs, the D E V D S T C K warehouse is open for business. Check it out!

The D E V D S T O C K boys set up a DIY in the alley in front of the building.

Maurice popping a tre across a platform gap

Little nose grind in the big bowl.

Big murph in the lounge room spectating.

Murphy on the rail that he dragged out.

Lazy ass murphy is not skating the bowl.

Doug Nosebonin' it up and out the hip.

Shameless self promotion

Doug gambling on a tail grab to wall ride into the bowl. VP THE PVNK.

Terry Kennedy came by to session and grab some gear.

TK on our Manny Pad set up.

The only person to hit the stair set today.

Here's a quick look at the place.

Some of the stuff we set up for the street skaters.

The big bowl with hips and pockets for tranny skaters.

So stop by! Slap a sticker on the walls or tag the lounge, just be sure to spread the word.

