I'm late to the party on this one. I started watching it a while ago and then had to continue in pieces. 50 minutes is a chunk of time and I wanted to make sure I paid attention to each part. I'm glad I did. Clay, you did a god damn amazing job of editing this thing. I'm stoked on how my part turned out, though I wish I had stepped it up a little skating wise. But oh well. Some stand out stuff from everyone. I realized Mamba's fake skating kinda reminds me of Jason Carney, if any of you old dudes remember that name. He was on Maple. Ha. Clay wins for attention to detail, smoothness and general badassery. Demz was Demz and you can't fuck with that. Stoked to see a lot of fake faces I hadn't seen in a while, Hesh, Robley, Bullet, EB, Anders, etc. The whole gang was back for a minute and it was pretty awesome to see. Thanks for giving me a part, Clay!