Okay...straight to the thing:


They make videos ? NO ! They make graphics ? NO !
They make parks ? Yes, but they can't do it without pissing each others the hell out and whining and crying how others don't like their parks and speaks "SHIT" of them. And actually that "SHITSPEAKING" is goddamn constructive criticism.
For reals !? You guys gotta fucking stop that. I've never been pissed of in Fluckit before last few months. Every single day I have to see some new dude posting some real bad crap here. Usually titled as "Skate 4 coming 2013!?!?!" or "Ban this dude pls (becaws he calld me nigga)".

This place has started to look like kids table...not good at all. And i've noticed that some older members (me as well) almost avoids this place nowadays because of these tiny pussies. Used to be here because i love the game...not because i wanna get as many posts in my dumb posts as possible. Or because i want to get noticed because I annoy everyone off and being 5 inch dick. That's very sad...day after day these new posts are getting less related to the fakeskating, skating or to the game itself.

If I only were admin...banhammer activity...

Don't post ANYTHING just to get people to watch it or to get noticed...don't be a fucking DICK to get noticed...thinking twice seems to impossible for these new kids table -heroes so think fucking TEN TIMES before you post here.
Typical lifeline of skateflucker that joined this year:
1) Trying to lick everyones balls to get new contacts and shit
2) Except everyone to be SUPERIMPRESSED and CHEESE of their first video
3) When they get under 5 or under 10 posts to their thread they get frustrated and try desperately get noticed
----> leads usually to situation that we see now here EVERY single day...kids virtualfighting about whos fakeskate video is the best and who makes best virtualberrics...calling others fake and gay (<--- acceptable only for perm)
4) Gets their posts locked and their ass raped and finally banned

Seriously !? To me it took over A YEAR to start getting more than 10 posts and to get really noticed around here...and at the same time few guys been here over 4 years hardly get any views at all...much less that they really deserve.

WHEN DID IT GET THIS BAD ? When did i have to start raging about asshole in forum for VIRTUAL SKATING...