Awesome edit and video as always Ay, you're for sure the best editor I've seen around here, the snow effect looked pretty decent even lol, the text at the beginning and intro were awesome as well. Thanks again for doing this and putting me in, much obliged.

Everybody had dope parts, wish I threw down better tricks, have been using all my bangers on Noir stuff lately haha, the usuals were dope like Echo and m7, the grind to grind on those ledges with the kickflip between was sick. Legba was one of my fav, the grind over the rail up the brooklyn banks was sick, I've filmed that gap before but never the grind, awesome man. And momma was awesome, some crazy tricks probably my fav off the video.

And the Graveart stuff looks dope, glad you're deciding to give it another go, the GC is a pain in the ass but its rewarding to see videos like this and watch people skating your graphics, can't wait to see the launch Ay, thanks again and merry Xmas man.