Last movie I watched was "Unknown" by Jaume Collet-Serra. Pretty well made movie with nearly genius plot...some parts were quite predictable but overall was excellent.

Gotta list few favourites...couldn't resist lol.
-"The Road" by John Hillcoat...that man is a genius ! Perfected by Nick Cave & Warren Ellis soundtrack <3
-Eastwood and Leone movies. Can't dislike them.
-"Assassination of Jesse James by coward Robert Ford"...yeah long lame name...but i'm happy i watched it. So different western...modern and beautiful. Best camerawork i've ever seen.
And Cave+Wellis soundtrack again. Even used one of it's songs in my full length hahah
-Lord of the Rings movies<3 Haven't seen Hobbit yet but oh sure I will see that man !
-Forrest Gump, Green Mile and almost everything else with Tom Hanks

Gonna continue the list when got some time