So since EA is full of lame, why doesn't the community do a Kickstarter. They're all the rage these days in gaming. I know you want it, and I know some of you guys have money. The community for this game has outgrown EA. Cuz is Dead on an overdose of maple syrup and Hockey. If we want a Skate 4 that we want. I know a team of designers that are out of work. Forget Corporate whore mongers that dangle tasty awesome games in our faces and rape our wallets. Be the community that gets shit done and gets the game it deserves. I'm calling on all of you to look deep and realize what you want and know that you can make this happen. We don't need big developers with fat wallets. we need unity to develop what we all want. Who's fucking with me????? *Drops $10 in the kickstarter Skate 4 fund*