-Ok first thing that caught me was the intro, the panning shot was tight and the little hop down the stairs to land on the rolling board was pretty creative, really great way to set up the video.

:54 - That footplant varial off the stairs looked awesome! so smooth.

1:05 - was cool but the arm motions got kind of distracting, i think if you woulda got on and just turn to the tail without his arms flailing back and forth, it woulda looked a lot smoother

1:30 - didn't you already use this clip in the intro?

1:46 - i loved the no comply 270 board, but it should have ended there. That woulda been sick, but i think the hop to the other rail was a lil much.

The bail to start the oliver elementary section looked painful and i loved the way you filmed it.

3:10 - fast plant 270 board looked soo clean!

3:26-3:43 - That setup is awesome and that was my favorite 7 seconds of this video...so far. those transitions were hella tight.

3:55 this is a crazy gap, and the panning shot just before is an awesome touch, gave the video a nice storytelling feel to it.

Song choice for the Parkade section is great, the intro to that song really grabs your attention.

5:54 - Loving the footplant wallride and the footplant over the block right afterwards. Thought the filming on the 2nd clip was a little better though.

6:34 - I bomb dropped off that a couple weeks ago, but never thought of doing THAT. I like how you held the grab all the way through, made a crazy gap look semi-realistic.

The ending was funny, but a cool way to wrap things up.

Overall i would give this like an 8.9/10. The filming and skating was tight and enjoyable, but some of the stuff was just a little much for me. I understand what you're saying about making something fun to watch and I'd say you succeeded in that right. I watched this at 8am after being up til 2 playin' skate last night and i was able to stay awake for the whole thing (which is more than i can say for some of the vids i watched this morning)

I also really enjoyed the editing and song choice. I can tell a lot of work went into this section, and i think the work paid off. For a 7 minute video, it doesn't seem to drag on, get monotonous, or repetitive. There's interesting tricks, all the time, and some really cool setups.

Filming - 9/10
Skating - 8/10
Editing 10/10
Trick/spot selection - 8.5/10
Overall - 8.9/10