Buenos dias fluckermates. Long time no parks. Well...now that shall change.
Finished this yesterday. Took only two days. It all started from idea of new flatbars...I made them and now i want you CAPmates to take that to the next level.

So, I call this Berlin Heights because I got insirated by few spots i've seen in Berlin. Well...later i realized that most of em are actually in Hamburg...not in Berlin. But who cares ?
Few new ideas I had last week. Wrote them up and few days back started creating them in new park. Reminds me of my older parks. Few things I wouldn't expect to see anywhere outside skateparks in Reality haha.
Nice small place with loads of stuff to skate. This time i pick skateability over details and outlook.


1.The alleyway with those flatbars. | 2.Me doing Hurricane while Blast is being cool and isn't even watching me

3.Small open plaza with Brickbanks surrounding it. | 4. Small ledges...or handrails ? However...Echo rips it with Bs Nosebluntslide that is almost impossible to do on these things. Try yourselves !

5.Plaza from the other side | 6.Me doing fs blunt on the extension. Why would there be that kind of extension in real life ???

7.Upper area with these steep walls. How you want to skate them ? | 8.Blast blasting some transfer over Wiltzer (<-- that's me)

9.The alleyway ends on this. Many ways to end your line. | 10.Echo wallriding over me. The door won't open since I lost the keys.

11.Blast shows you how to skate wooden ledge. And i'm just having nap | 12.Skinny ledges everywhere. Blast likes them and beats them 5-0.