The DC Embassy

Hey, guys. I've been wanting to re-re do the DC Embassy since the merge glitch was discovered, but never really thought I would be able to get down all of the unique angles and scale while still having it skate well. This gave me trouble...those who I've shown online can attest to this, as I've been complaining about it a good deal. Something would go UG...I'd fix it....2 other things would go UG. I would finally get everything grindable and it would Earthquake beyond repair and I'd have to rebuild a whole section of the park. Then I finally got everything to work...but I couldn't add the graphics without going through the same process all over again. Anyways, here it is. I did it. Everything skates well and overall I'm very happy with it. Hands down the most advanced remake I've done. Do I have some regrets? Well, don't we all? Some things aren't perfect, but I did the best I could. I hope you guys like it and can overlook the little things. Thanks and have fun. ***New team, same Fully***