sup guys, havent been on here for a very long time. I hopefully will be able to make some parks now.


This park was built in about 2 1/2 hours, not too happy with it, mainly just wanted to show off the concept so others would adapt and use it. HUGE props to platypus for building a basement park 2 years ago tht i really liked (do you still have it? ive been looking for it...) that park inspired me to do this one. washing machine is altered version of his, so full credit goes to him for tht also. other than tht, im mainly happy with the stair over protection rail gap. mini is meh, but looks ok i think, so basically im thinkin this a park for filming a few clips. will have pics later but right now i just have this sick vid wiltzuh made there. please enjoy.

P.S. in video the walls are brown cause wiltzuh saved clips from a session. in game they're greyish.