Yeah, I dunno... As much as I love this hobby, I don't think I'd be able to justify a cap card myself. Have a lot of other priority hobbies, and only because I can see the end do I feel any guilt about how little fakeskating I've done in the last year or so.

I'm honestly somewhat emotionally effected to be honest. This sucks. I've got a lot of respect for a lot of you heads, as I know you make my efforts look meek, but man have I dumped a lot of time and energy into this. Learning at first, and just trying to keep up progression in the later years. This has been a part of my life for the better part of the last five years. If I remember correctly, counting from when the OG demo ACTUALLY launched (anyone else remember the kick in the balls that first delay was?! Fuckin' EA!) it'd be six on 8/21.

Sheesh... I remember getting all hyped for the first game. Staying up late to download the demo the instant I could, and playing a few minutes at a time in pure amazement at the feel of everything. 360 flips were hard as hell. Smith grinds were bloody impossible. It was pure beauty.

Anyway guys, I wish I would have found Fluckit earlier, and joined up with you guys when I still had more time/energy for the game. I'm going to do my best to shit out as much footage, and show off as many awesome CAPS as I can as long as I can, but if I don't get to tell ya'll again... It's been a fuckin' honor to serve, and I doubt anything will ever be to me what fakeskating has thanks in large part to people far more active than myself that make such a killer community to be a part of.

Keep it rollin', keep it reel.