hello! My name is Logan. I'm from ohio and love to skate. i have followed fluckit for about 8 months now and i am pretty familiar with the fluckit community. i love the site! there is a new game being in the works for bmx, i would love for you guys to check it out and help support it. I do understand that it is bmx and not a skate game but trust me on this. it looks like a great game. real physics, parts, bails, tricks, flickit controls, breakable parts (in the city and bikes), night and day cycle, park creator with complete customizable sizing ( not like skate when there are only 3 sizes) real world spots and skateparks, complete bike and character customization, replay and video editing, plus much more. i hope you dont get mad at my for posting. i would be devastated haha, i look up to you guys so much! heres a link http://www.bmxthegame.com/ i dont see why this wouldnt work for a skate game in the future. if they make money off this project i can see them making another, better skate game. they say how they love skate