Hey guys, Fakie clan is hosting the first annual skate 3 X Games competition. We are requesting for someone to please make us a realistic skate 3 x games themed park. Watch the video below to get more information(not me in talking in the video) The winner will have the chance to join Fakie(His/Her choice) and will for sure take home 1600 microsoft points. I know what your thinking by now......whats in it for you as the park builder. Well you join and be fakies official park builder, You will also get a 1200 microsoft point code to use on the xbox live marketplace. Thanks for hearing me out and have a great day. Remember keep shreddin.

Not everything in the video will be going down as said, I plan to talk some things out with Fakie Showtime(Guy talking in the video) To give this more of a contest feel rather than a tryout.