this was copied from my fb comment i took a few words out, but after reading cuz' article my mind got rolling and i just let it flow.....

"Cuz's article is pure gold. Seriously. Its awesome. Alot of ppl Im sure would see what we did or do as dumb or a waste of time. But for us its just an extension of our culture and the sport we all love. Its another creative outlet for us less financially stable to get a real camera and drive all over to the skaters and film them. I for one am not that good at skating. I have some tricks. But i cant put my vision down in RL. Skate let me do that. Like it did for all of us. None of this would have been possible if we didnt fight for it. If we didnt want it. No matter how small our community is on the larger scale of gamers. We are the reason we have been given all we have... We in a way helped mold the game. We gave our input and they listened.. I love Skate."