Wasn't originally planning on releasing this, but with the end looming I figured a few guys here especially those who like tranny stuff would like this. It's an edit/rework of a park by AceExtremeX23X called pool party, you can find it by searching here on fluckit. Anyways I took out about 70% of what he made, reworked a pool into an abandoned/DIY house spot, so without further adieu check it out. It's for the XBOX 360 and uses DLC.

This is a general overview of the park.

Closer shot of the house structure.

A shot from the basement tranny section, lots of thread the needle gaps in here, only for hardcore skaters looking for danger.

The house gap, gap to grind and gap out or hit the plywood and make the leap.

Some skaters set up a nice concrete ledge over by the equipment and trucks.

On the ground level there's a nice curved ledge going over the grass, and a sketchy metal manny pad to hit as well.

We found this nice curved yellow railing and converted it into a DIY rainbow ledge.

If you really want to test your vert skills, try to get a trick on this sketchy extension.

There's lots of support beams to handplant, this is the lowest one, there's some gnarly high ones as well.

If plants aren't your thing, try to get a stall or grind up the supports.


And once again thanks to AceExtreme for doing the foundation, I reccomend everybody check out his original park, it has 4 really nice pools and a cool mini ramp also.