Quote Originally Posted by crni1976 View Post
Wtf? You actually lost me there. Sometimes I have a hard time wrapping my mind around things. This is one of those times. I'm sure you're right though. Just can't comprehend it yet.
I was basically saying that he got to the right answer, but skipped a few steps in explaining and missed some crucial points. Most people who started skating more recently seem to think that a fakie ollie is a switch nollie, but that logic makes trick names ridiculously hard to comprehend, again leading back to the vert thing. If you REALLY want I'll write out a long-as-fuck message for you, but I don't want to clog this thread up.

Quote Originally Posted by Antwan View Post
Is fakie two sided?
Like ok, switch is your dominate pushing foot in front.
What if you're riding "SWITCH" Fakie..
foot placement is switch but you're backwards.
I'm guessing it's not a real thing because it sounds odd but I never did ask anyone.
Could you please draw a picture or take a photo because this is confusing, but absolutely fascinating.