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Thread: Correct trick names.

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  1. #1
    Fluckit Master briden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by crni1976 View Post
    Wtf? You actually lost me there. Sometimes I have a hard time wrapping my mind around things. This is one of those times. I'm sure you're right though. Just can't comprehend it yet.
    I was basically saying that he got to the right answer, but skipped a few steps in explaining and missed some crucial points. Most people who started skating more recently seem to think that a fakie ollie is a switch nollie, but that logic makes trick names ridiculously hard to comprehend, again leading back to the vert thing. If you REALLY want I'll write out a long-as-fuck message for you, but I don't want to clog this thread up.

    Quote Originally Posted by Antwan View Post
    Is fakie two sided?
    Like ok, switch is your dominate pushing foot in front.
    What if you're riding "SWITCH" Fakie..
    foot placement is switch but you're backwards.
    I'm guessing it's not a real thing because it sounds odd but I never did ask anyone.
    Could you please draw a picture or take a photo because this is confusing, but absolutely fascinating.
    Quote Originally Posted by momadaddy View Post
    i mostly play with myself now

  2. #2
    Yes You Can! Tilburr's Avatar
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    for it to be a lip the part of the board popping has to go over the rail or ledge, if it doesn't, it's not a lip

  3. #3
    Inna Check-Mate State Antwan's Avatar
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    Ok so the only reason I ask about it is that traditionally fakie is technically your dominate pushing foot in front while youre backwards. You can however, stand in your regular stance and take what is a pretty awkward push for momentum taking you backwards or even push off of a wall or obstacle, to be riding backwards without the switchup. Sorry for the run on not near my pc. Get what im saying though?

  4. #4
    Awful Awfuls!
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    ive heard someone say "switch nollie tre" when they couldve said fakie tre

  5. #5
    Fluckit Master briden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tilburr View Post
    for it to be a lip the part of the board popping has to go over the rail or ledge, if it doesn't, it's not a lip
    Not true for nollie though.

    Quote Originally Posted by Antwan View Post
    Ok so the only reason I ask about it is that traditionally fakie is technically your dominate pushing foot in front while youre backwards. You can however, stand in your regular stance and take what is a pretty awkward push for momentum taking you backwards or even push off of a wall or obstacle, to be riding backwards without the switchup. Sorry for the run on not near my pc. Get what im saying though?
    I think i got you, but fakie is just a stance so it doesn't really matter how you get into it. If you did a fully backwards facing kickflip, it'd be awkward and cool, but still be a fakie kickflip, if that's what you're getting at.
    Quote Originally Posted by momadaddy View Post
    i mostly play with myself now

  6. #6
    Inna Check-Mate State Antwan's Avatar
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    Yeah, that. I guess its more feeling and knowing how you got into it. Wouldnt look much different if you cut out the backwards push. What if you apply the same method to switch though, no difference?

  7. #7
    Seeing the Light
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tilburr View Post
    for it to be a lip the part of the board popping has to go over the rail or ledge, if it doesn't, it's not a lip
    The only think you have to remember for lip slides is the BACK truck. If the back truck goes over the rail first, it's a lipslide. That applies for the switch, nollie, fakie and regular. BUT! When riding fakie, your back truck will be at the front. I hope that makes sense.

    If you REALLY want I'll write out a long-as-fuck message for you
    I'd actually love to read this.

  8. #8
    Blazing a Trail bohemian's Avatar
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    Gnarly-(Nar-lee) Adj. A term meaning bad, horrible, or sketchy. "Man that's some gnarly paint on that house."

    Pusher- (Pusher) Noun. A kid that talks about skating and how good he is, but won't go skating with you or your friends. "Dude Ethan is such a pusher, he always talks like he's big and bad."

    Noggles- (Nog-gels) Noun. When you lightly tap your nuts, not hard enough to hurt but enough to scare you. "Ahhhh noggles!"

    Diamondz- (Die-Mond-s) Adj. A super smooth or perfectly executed trick. "Man that kickflip was diamondz."

    Ass Knife-(Ass Nif) Noun. When you mess up a trick and the board comes up and sticks you in the butt. "Dude Josh looked like he was enjoying that ass knife."

    Bro-(Bro) Noun. A fellow skater or friend. "Hey, meet my bro Bobby."

    Dude-(Dude) Noun. See above.

    Smooth-(Smoo-th) Adj. A trick that is performed above normal standards, but not quite diamondz. "Man that nooseslide was smooth."

    Sketchy-(Sket-chee) Adj. A trick that needs some work, or looked not so nice. "Man that boardslide was sketchy."

    Piss-Peadaling- (Piss Ped-ul-ing) Noun. The act of pumping mongo. "Dude Ryan is piss peadaling."

    Mongo-(Mon-go) Noun. Pumping with your front foot instead of back, also called piss peadaling. "That skater was pumping mongo."

    Sick-(Sik) Adj. Meaning awesome, skillful, or sweet. "Dude that half-cab over that nine set was sick!"

    Set-(Set) Noun. A set of stairs. "Man you just ollied that twelve set!"

    Kinked-(Kink-d) Noun. A rail with bumps in it. "Did he just 50-50 that double kink?"

    Suspect-(sus-pect) Adj. When a picture looks like the skater didn't actually land it. "Jimmy's pics are totally suspect."

    Barrel-(Bare-ul) Noun. A fat chick. "Man check out the size of that barrel."

    Donut Shop-(Do-nut Shop) Noun. Cops. Pigs. Bacon. "Man here comes the donut shop."

    Session-(Sesh-un) Noun. A time that you go out and skate. "Dude let's go bust out a J-Town session."

    Bail-(Bay-L) Verb. The act of falling off your board. "Man he had to bail on the huge kicker."

    Locals-(Lo-kals) Noun. The kids that frequently session an area that you're in. "The locals showed me some sick spots."

    Mobbed-(mob-D) Adj. A not so great trick. "Man my heelflips are mobbed."

    B.G.P.'s-(B.G.P.'s) noun. Background props, when your in the background of a photo. "Man mark has some mad B.G.P.'s"

    B.G.L.-(B.G.L.) Noun. Background Loser, some always getting B.G.P.'s. "Dude Mark is a hardcore B.G.L."

    Dag-(daag) Interjection. An expression that can mean anything. "Dag that was sweet!"

    Airfeet-(Air-feet) Adj. When your feet come completely off the board when ollieng something. "Jared had some sick airfeet over those five boards."

    Tricktionary-(Trik-shun-air-e) Noun. A bag of tricks so sick they need to be catalogued. "Dude bobby is doin' some mad shit out of his tricktionary."

    chode-(ch-o-Duh) Noun. A crusty piece of poop on your butt. also an inslut. "Dude Jason is such a chode."


    Nups-(n-ups) Noun. When someone out performs your tricks. "Man why does Nick always have to bust out his nups?"

    B.E.V.-(B.e.v.) noun. Birds eye view, used when taking pictures or videos. "Hey Donald, climb that baskball pole and get a B.E.v. for this kickflip."

    Mellow- (mel-o) adj. To be calm and relaxed. "Hey don't get pissed Mellow out man."

    Hamster- (Ham-stur) Adverb. A replacement for the word fuck, usually used around rents or cops. "hamster this place im out."

    Trippy- (Trip-pee) Adj. Something crazy that messes with your head. "That necklace is totally trippy."

    Schralped- (Shh-ral-pt) verb. To remove a few layers of skin from your body. "Dude i totally schralped my ass hardcore."

    Ill- (ill) Adj. A synonym for sick. "Man that is an ill board."

    Down- (Dow-n) Adj. To be in with whatever is happening. "Are you down with that?"

    Old School- (old skool) Noun. Ancient art of skateboarding using fishtail boards and lots of grab tricks. "Dude that boni-oni is hardcore old school."

    Technical- (Tek-nik-ul) Noun. New skateboarding, combining many tricks. "Rodney Mullen busts out serious technical skating.

    Tangent- (Tan-gent) noun. When you start ranting about something for a while. "Man we got off on some stupid tangent about knees."

    Flip Flop- (Flip Flop) Noun. Someone who doesn't know who they are and tries to be multiple things. "John is such a flip-flop, he doesn't know whether to be a prep or a skater."

    Props- (props) Adj. Respect to someone. "Man You get mad props for that skill."

    On the hook- (on the hook) Phrase. Meaning uncool, or lame. "Dude that shirt is so on the hook."

    Off the Hook- (Off the hook) Phrase. Meaning way cool, sweet. "Man that is off the hook, where'd you get them sweatpants?"

    Fetus- (fee-tus) Noun. An unborn baby, also a major insult. "Danny is such a Hamster Fetus."

    Street- (st-ree-t) Adj. Type of skating involving curbs, rails, and pyramids, also done on the streets. "Street skating is the only way to go."

    Vert- (Vert) Adj. Type of skating involving half-pipes. "Bob is a major vert skater."

    Yoinker- (yoink-er) Noun. SOmeone that steals other peoples stuff and has no original ideas. "John is such a yoinker, he can't come up with anything on his own."

    Sheep- (shee-p) Noun. A person that follows others just to be cool. "Dude this place is full of sheep."

    Punk- (punk) Noun. Derived from punk rockers, typicaly listening to punk rock, and associated with skaters. "Jay is so punk, i mean he didn't used to listen to rap, like other people he knows."

    Missle Tip- (miss-ul Tip) Noun. When your board's nose becomes angled and pointy, usually from bad kickflips. "Holy crap bobby, that board has a major Missle tip."

    Crazy Texan- (Cra-Z Tex-N) Phrase. A person that goes psycho on their board and throws it around a lot. "Dude he's going crazy Texan all out."

    Betty- (Bet-T) Noun. An extremely hot girl. "yea jaime is such a betty."

    Grindage- (Gr-ind-ige) Noun. Good food, like pizza. "Jared you wanna go get some grindage?"

    Toeside- (T-o-siduh) Noun. The side of your board your toes face to. "Grab the board toeside."

    Heelside- (He-ul-siduh) Noun. The side of your board your heels face. "Grab the board heelside."

    Knuckle Dragger- (nuck-ul Drag-gur) Noun. A person that always touches the ground or obstacle during or after a trick. "Man Jimmy is such a knuckle dragger."

    Letter In Mailbox- (Let-ter in maal-box) Phrase. A really bad wedgie. "Jared theres a letter in your mailbox."

    Stoked- (sto-k-t) verb. To be really excited about something. "Man i'm so stoked about going to the skatepark."

    Nus- (n-us) adjective. When someone is spaced out or not paying attention. "man you look totally nussed."

    Rasta- (Raa-Stuh) Noun. Short for Rastafarian, a skater who is known for high ollies, being totally laid back, and having sufficient pot smoking skills. "Dude check out that group of rasta's"

    Nutted- (nut-ted) Verb. To land on your nuts... "He just nutted himself on that massive handrail"

    Noob- you

  9. #9
    Blazing a Trail
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    i feel like some of you are bringing a lot of bullshit to the discussion.
    Last edited by Slamooh; 05-23-2013 at 01:04 AM.

  10. #10
    Seeing the Light
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    Hahaha. Epic. Although I was expecting it to more about that Fakie/lipslide/vert conversation.

  11. #11
    Lb Magazine BladderBoy's Avatar
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    I know less about skateboarding after reading this thread.
    XBL: BladderBoy
    PSN: TheLikeButterGuy
    Steam: monthackma

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