The deck is fine as 8.0 is a good starting size and the deck width I prefer these days range between 8.0-8.5 overall.
Trucks I personally only ride Independent and have for close to 30 years now. Indy 139 is the size I use.
*Note for Indy: Do not buy the shitty "Hollow" or "T Hanger" versions.
Those wheels to me are far too squishy, but the brand is fine. I run 52mm/92dur Spitfires as my poison of choice.
If you are Street/Park use 50-55mm Diameter and 90+ Durometer (95+ for heavy vert/park focus).
The hardware is fine.
Bearings... The ABEC 7's you chose are fine. I personally run NMB 608z's because I like more durability.
*608z vs Abec 7 is basically Durability vs Speed. I'd wager 90%+ skaters use Abec 7 these days.

A good tip is to try a friends board or go to a local shop and see if they have decks you can stand on.
When you find a width that feel comfortable go with that one. 8.0 is the base these days.
I started out on 4.0 flex boards, then transitioned to 10.0 Pro models back in the early 80's.
Hope this helps.