Yeah I hear certain wheels help with certain styles.
Other than that I don't think it matters..
People will skate what feels good to them.

I don't really buy into brands anymore not like I used to.
If I get something specific brand it's gotta be because I've heard about the quality of it.
I've got a shit ton of local shop decks though. Got them cheap or free and they've been stacking up.
You'd be amazed what people will give you or just throw out around some of the skateparks.

Shit you may start skating again and hate anything that's like a snowboard
or maybe you'll get a board that's like a snowboard I dunno that's up to you.
I like physical shops though, some of them will let you stand on the board and see how it feels.
If they are real cool you could ride it back n forth in the shop.
If you buy it all online I'm not sure the return would go over so well!

Good luck with it though, might take a few decks to find what works. It did for me anyway.