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Thread: I aint dead solo

  1. #1
    Amateur Flucker CaseyCadaver's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default I aint dead solo

    It's done. I had so many problems uploading it. I went to 4 different sites. I finally got WeGame to work but the video got messed up at the beginning. And we game made it look like theres a slight grid on it. I'll fix it if I can at another time...

    I learned a lot making this video and ran into countless problems. You guys have given me tons of advice and I am very grateful...

    So.... I know that there are some problems in the first 3 clips and the quality is a little cashed. But I'm really sick of even seeing this video now.

    any advice on my skating, camera work and editing would be great!
    Back in the saddle?

  2. #2


    the music didn't fit well, at all. also, turn it down and turn the skate sounds up some. the skating and cameras weren't bad at all. i'd get a little closer with some stuff as far as cameras go. and a little less roll up/roll away (i had problems with that, too). but not a bad job, overall.

  3. #3
    Amateur Flucker CaseyCadaver's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    yea... I just picked a song at the last minute because my first pick had this weird noise goin on that I couldn't figure out. There were a lot of clips I would've moved around now looking back.

    Thanks for the feedback.
    Back in the saddle?

  4. #4


    I enjoyed that. Though i wouldent have picked that song. Maybe a slow rock song, but not metal. It doesent fit youre skating style at all. Nice vid alltogether.

  5. #5


    I liked the skating. The wallride varial was nice. the boneless over the rail 1:54, and the tricks on the barrel.
    I thought the song choice was pretty good, you just needed to edit the clips to a more rapid-fire pace to keep up with it. Pace/editing was better toward the end when the song went into the bridge/interlude and the finish though.
    The quality is good; even with the 'grid' thing going on; hardly noticable. Its difficult getting reel clips to display properly in 16:9 when uploading. I cant figure out how to get my vids uploaded without distorting the perspective and I end up with black bars on the sides, etc.
    Considering everything, you did a nice job. Thanks for the mention. Keep up the good work and solid improvement.

  6. #6
    Amateur Flucker CaseyCadaver's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Thanks for all the feedback guys. I'm getting a lot of new footage pretty fast so I'm just gonna use it for tests non stop until the guys at rotten tell me when my first deadline will be. Hopefully I can get a lot more practice in...
    Back in the saddle?

  7. #7
    G Ryin


    skating was decent but the video perspective was distracting

    i'm just guessing, but it seems like you cropped the skate.reel from 4:3 to 16:9 (cropped black bars out) but then exported your project in 4:3, and then uploaded it as 16:9 (which is why you have pillarbox).

    but at some point in your process, those 16:9 skatereel clips got stretched to 4:3 w/o maintaining ratio.

    i liked the song tho. and like i said skating was nice.

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