Talking about issues involving marriage and divorce on a fake skate forum? Why not.

Alimony is something that I have never understood. The only times I see it exist is for the sole purpose of the ex-wife to fuck over their ex-husbands even more when the relationship is over. Although it's not improbable that a man can, and has, claim alimony from a woman if she was the money maker in the relationship. My ex-girlfriend explained it a little further to me by saying when the woman has to become a full time mom to support a child, in one scenario, she isn't making any money, generally for years. Having not held a job for that period of time could make it difficult to find work as well, but many employers would understand being a full-time mom. It almost makes sense to me, if that is the case, but then again, adults should be fully capable to take care of themselves. Child Support is a separate issue, I have nothing against that, but taking a person's hard-earned money every check when the other person can, and should, be able to manage on their own is just horseshit. Obviously, there are situations where it's deemed as justice because the man was a piece of shit and is completely loaded and it wouldn't hurt him financially one bit to provide alimony. It just seems like a completely outdated concept to me and I ponder on why it still exists.

I'm sure this will just end up as a rant with no replies, but I'm curious what you guys think. Have you been in or seen someone experience a situation like I'm bitching about now? Do you have an example of what makes alimony seem more fair then it appears to me? Share your thoughts fellow fluckers!