Guess which asshole finally watched this

the beat boxing was weird
kills ender tho hahaha
hippy flip back flip. perfect
ribbon gap was sick

tatters part ruled. lots of parks i skated were there. nice to see what he did. slick double grinds

bmx is a hipster. bonk at the art gallery was nice

dog, clean shit. lots of good gaps

amphan, i see you where using a graveart deck at 21:20 nice lol
good part man. great edit here

sk8 fun, odd song kinda. sounded like a bad car stereo. solid part. realistic. nice camera angles in some bits

idk who it was, stall at 29:33 over the rail and back was sick

solid chip, good shit. seen more from you than anyone else in terms of stuff for other vids. always good shit.

oddity, nice hill lines. liked the couple wallies you did around 38:50

cool outro