Morgan finally decided to get an apartment out in Eastboro. The rent is nuts so I'm rooming with him. He picked up a job working at the home office for a new deck company "Next Gen Skateboards". He comes home glowing everyday (I'm guessing it's because the receptionist is cute or something) so I visited him to see what had him stoked... The place is one giant skate park. This is what I snapped with my phone. Must come back with full on film equipment.

I'm not sure what Morgan even does here... when I got in he was sleeping in the break room.

They had a mini ramp in their break room. I work at Foot Locker.... we don't even have a mini fridge, and this fucker has a mini ramp.

Straight between the divider and the ceiling. I'm sure Morgan practiced this because that's not easy to look at.
(Side note why would they put a vending machine next to a FREE water cooler... because this job rules)

Straight up and Over the elevator doorway. Luckily this floor needs a key to enter so no one pops up without anyone knowing. Imagine the amount of crashes otherwise.

The aptly named, "Boardwalk Handrail" just got dominated by the darkest of darkslides.

The receptionist was on break while morgan did this tricky gap. Not without crashing into the receptionists laptop though.. split it right in half.

"Whatever, I needed a new one anyway. I'll trade your board for it!"


I bet her phone number that she couldn't land the euro gap. I don't have her number but I got footage of he clearing it with a clean shuv.

This chick was ripping it.

I pulled some images from the virtual employee hand book that I swiped from Morgan.

Overall, the place was crazy fun to skate, it must be awesome skating while at work, SOME OF US HAVE TO SLAVE RETAIL JOBS.
I hope my little story thing wasn't too long. Pandora Creators on the team finder will get you in.
