Koston doesn't need to put up all the money for a Shoe Company himself. He can just do with Rick Howard and Mike Carroll did and go talk to Brian and Kevin Dunlap and have his company distributed by Podium.

Podium is responsible for DVS, Lakai and Matix currently. They're one of the top 3 grossing skate distros (if not the top). So yes... while the economy isn't the greatest right now, starting a new company wouldn't be out of the question. Especially if it's from a limited standpoint. Rather than hitting with a full line of shoes and a full roster of skaters, he can put out 1 or 2 price point shoe models and keep the team limited to himself and do quite well. Then slowly build and expand.

The reason why I think starting his own company is most likely is because Koston is someone who sticks rather strongly to his convictions. Despite being one of the most marketable names in skateboarding he's been quite decisive in his sponsorship choices and his careers direction. If money was a major factor... he would've stayed on eS where he was making much more money. It would also be a much smarter move to back out of the whole Berrics situation seeing as how it costs him money while not generating any for himself.

I could easily be wrong.. but it's not often that someone who's lived their entire life under a certain code of ethics to throw it out of the window for a little cash.