ha yeah I only do it to keep my hands from fidgeting.

"collective effort from the whole society to change"
That's kind of how I ended it and I do agree with you. I also agree with you that the militarization of the police is a problem, or more so this misuse of those weapons. They admittedly are not properly trained with these weapons.
If you dig even further you would see the reason for militarizing the Police is that we would first need to regulate our out of control gun problem and gun lobbyist. The police need guns to control the public that is heavily armed with weapons that for the most part go unchecked in anyway. I am not for taking away guns, but if we had the same regulations that we have for motor vehicle registration then NO GUNS would ever be not accounted for. You would be shocked at the tens of 1000's of guns that go unchecked every year straight from the factory. Where do you think all of these illegal guns come from? They aren't stolen, only a small % are stolen and that number is inflated by illegal sales covering their tracks. Many are sold at unregulated gun shows paraded around the US from convention centers. All gun tracking is done by paper only because there is a law keeping a database of any kind on firearms.
So...... The NRA wants to keep these hidden sales flowing to the inner city thugs causing the right wing republicans to buy up more guns. This enables the NRA to spend millions if not billions to control and influence the politicians that they keep in their pocket. Who is a politician going to REALLY look out for: An organization that gives them millions for their campaign or Joe Public that whips out a $10 bill?
The fear of the government knowing where every gun is and somehow confiscating all of these weapons in a huge round up of some sort is just foolish in my opinion. With social media and instant communication fueled by a heavily armed public would make it a physical impossibility for any kind of government takeover.
Once again all evil comes from campaign financing.

I know some of you have a difference of opinion especially on my gun beliefs. It is OK to disagree and I hope nobody judges me for my difference of opinion because I certainly wont you.