Had a few minutes, thought this would be a nice change of pace.
This is the first time I've thought about it so my list is pretty short.
Skate 4 tricks, what would we add? Go!


Start a fliptrick and darkcatch halfway through rotation while close to the surface of an object or on flatground.
Won't work if you have too much height.
If you have enough momentum you can manipulate the spin of the board while on its side for a short time using the left stick.

No comply flip tricks

Plant your foot and flick the right stick in the motion of the fliptrick you want a no comply variation of.
Hard to say how this should work..
I imagine it being a fast flick to make it happen.

Hippie Jump 50-50s
Just have it less likely that you'll bail out trying these, but still have to work for it.
These tricks are instant bails in real grind scenarios currently.

Fliptrick footplants
Use the preferred trigger to catch the fliptrick and plant a foot.
Less likely to bail out if done right.

Start a nose or tail grab, while still holding that first trigger and doing the first grab, do the reverse and hold the other trigger.

This one sounds tricky but I love this trick.
While rolling, get off the board but at the same time flick the right stick in a hardflip motion. Blaow!