Our best option currently for getting EA to do anything Skate related is to vote on those Xbox One backwards compatibility polls. Skate is doing well and has a SHIT TON of comments, however the more, the better. It would let them know that hey, there is a market for your game and a market that has adopted next-gen consoles.

As for Rockstar, we have already contacted the head of Rockstar and he expressed his love for Thrasher and skateboarding in general, but didn't sound very into a skateboarding game. They've got their cash cows, you know.

Skate was a perfect formula. A new game coming along and trying to do what Skate accomplished would probably result in a disappointment and that could harm what we actually want even more because other developers would look at a skateboarding game that flops and just steer clear of the genre after.

Showing our interest as customers is the best option. Throwing ideas out for content, trying to hit up other developers, and all that is probably going to do nothing. Skate was huge for a while, it's on people's radar and if other developers see us hooting' n hollerin' for another Skate then someone else might come along and try to grab the market. I dunno...

Tony Hawk is trying to cash in on THPS, not skateboarding in general. He can talk about his love for skateboarding and bringing it to a game, but that's just bullshit PR talk. People who enjoy THPS enjoy it for what it is, not because it involves skateboarding. Those people are already expressing their disinterest with the new THPS as well... it looks AWFUL, especially for a next-gen game. I have a feeling it may be the nail in the coffin for the THPS series anyways.

PS: Albert can fuck the fuck off. What a POS.