
Just some raw thoughts. No agenda, no bullshit and no organization.
If people want to discuss this or not I don't know, it can get personal but so can skateboarding.
This kind of ties into the idea of my book About skateboarding.

So I've spent a lot of my time in this life just thinking it through.
I've had so much going on since I moved from Florida at a young age.
I was a drunken party goer, skateboarder, artist and this was just in my early highschool days.
There was a point where I slowly started to divide up, and really flesh out who my friends were. Who might've helped me or held me back. From here it was just skating, every day, every spot. We would also skate any park we could get to with an occasional vans warped tour venture thrown in. I went through many phases growing up but "scene" or "hardcore" probably being the one that stood out most.

Does this interest anyone in the slightest? Haha.. I was going to continue the life story and break into how everything connects and your mindset really is what puts it together. How skateboarding helps so many, and remains the same through anything you do.

If someone wants to help me get this thing setup that would be so dope.
I just want a raw book about skateboarding positivity, maybe a place people can just post their writings and I can accept them. I have a couple theories on how to go about that, but I've never done this before.