Hi everyone,

dub, founder of crea-ture Studios,

First of all, Thanks to everyone at skate fluck it from the Project:Session team for the awesome words about our skateboarding game teaser and warm the invites to join the Fluck it Comunity! We are really stoked to discuss skateboard and project with you guys!

To quickly introduce ourselves, we are a small independent studio located in the Montreal area in Canada. Our focus is to first have fun! second, create innovative, fun and original games driven by passion for niche audiences. We know we cannot please anyone so at least lets try to please one group really well

crea-ture, standing for the act of creating something, means we want to treat games as a creation, form of art, something we dream about rather than a product.

Skater myself for about 25+ years, We decided to launch the studio with a skateboarding game. Something new, inspired by skate obviously, but most importantly, the 2000s, the legendary VX1, all the skate movies from this generation that forged what skateboard is today; the 411vm, the sorry movies, toy machine: the jump of building or welcome to hell, invisible vanishing points, the bakers or the early plan B movies just to name a few! One if not the best era of skate, an authentic underground culture was defined!
So we want to bring a new way of playing skateboarding games, a concept I've been cherishing for about 10 years.

I promess you to give you more information about the game and the controls in the upcoming weeks but as the rumor goes, apparently we use two thumbsticks

let's start with this, and once again thanks for the invite, we feel very welcomed to join the Fluck it community!
