Quote Originally Posted by NotedDerk View Post
Thanks for the feedback guys, I was also fairly nervous on how to keep the commentary going, if you didn't notice the several pauses throughout. Doing more of these should loosen me up and make it more entertaining and I don't watch solo LPs either, basically just Achievement Hunter. It's just more fun to have multiple people going and bouncing jokes off each other and just having a good time. Unfortunately, I don't know anyone who wants to do this kind of stuff with me. I have plenty of friends, just don't think they're up to being recorded. I hate the sound of my own voice, as I assume 99% of people do. It's all a great learning experience for me though, so even if I get no following, I can just evolve it myself and get some self gratification out of it and have memories to look back upon in the years to come.
Yea man, that's what it's all about. If you can ever gather up a few folks to watch ya, the reason I brought up streams are that they tend to work better solo IMO, because you can play off of the chat to keep the conversation going, instead of fumbling around trying to find things to talk about. But yea, even if you get zero views forever, that kinda stuff can be fun.