
thank homie...
i did that back flip to wallride a long time ago but it didnt feel right...
this round i just said fuck it...
it would look sick as fuck in real life though...


yeah but im fairly certain my presentation is terrible....
theres always something funky happening...
for example..
why didnt i just edit all the clips together into one part...
i dont know...
im an idiot...


wild edit or drunk edit completely sober in the middle of the afternoon.
honestly i should probably apologize for the edit...
sometimes i hit hard..
sometimes i swing and miss...
those little blocks in the parkade are fun....
have to go too slow most times though...

seksul chocolate...

THANK YOU X1000...
literally the words that make my day every time i show footage...
you get it..
you get me...
you see it..
you appreciate it..
you understand it...
it is truely a blessing...
think about crab claw(index and middle on face buttons instead of triggers)
think abotu the drop off buttons and how fast some tricks work.
then you have my ass gently letting go of analogs and baby taps on triggers for knees and shit...
it is a blessing when the little nuances we struggle with are noticed...
thank you...


no backing track..
no texture...
endless amount of mixing and other shit i havnt figured out yet....
a week ago i said to myself "fuck it just beat box everything and then edit that"
which would have been epic but...
maybe next time hahahah...


all good homie...
him and drake sound like the teacher from peanuts...
i think my brain just refuses to comprehend them...


thanks homie...
indistinguishable like a fart...
or a c section....

fucking deacon party music piece of shit.
meet homie enough for music interests to mingle.
days later hes asking for melodies and samples from my youtube shit..
i said no and he got pissy...
you will not catch me giving away my shit so you can travel the world and make money off of it...

i need to get some vst plugins or something so i dont make that resemblance again...
no disrespect to him...
but fuck that noise...