Yeah, follow your dreams..
Education isn't a bad thing though, have a bit of regret in the area.
Around the time I was hospitalized I lost my basic understanding skills.
It was temporary but it took my brain a few years to get back to normal.
Hence, angry twan.
If you can picture having just two years left in highschool and losing everything you knew instantly..
It was rough. I dropped out. This was easier on my mom, her being single.
My sister also dropped out. We both went back for GEDs.
She even went to college for a bit.
I'll tell you what, a lot less satisfying that way though.
The GED is basically just a test of understanding.
Nothing compared to the few more years of learning I could've had under my belt.
I was a pretty good student too, not honor role but I always made my teachers think when I focused.