oh who cares. smoke it or don't. if you're worried about inhaling toxins, wear a respirator at all times because the world is a filthy place. weed isn't any healthier than cigarettes, which aren't any healthier than inhaling any other burning dried plant. you're supposed to breathe oxygen. OXYGEN. not weed or tobacco or the interstate you live near or other people's farts but you're going to anyway. weed and cigarettes will damage your body and so will getting hit by a bus when you're 75 and bragging about how you lived a healthy safe life and look at you now and SPLAT OOPS FART YOU'RE DEAD A BUS HIT YOU.

and nobody's allowed to cite medical research they read, or pretend they read, or overheard someone unqualified saying it to win an argument, because this is a fake skateboarding messageboard. if i see you on mayoclinic.com we'll have that discussion.