Title says it all. Overlooked this game for a couple of years. It looked like your typical super nerdy anime/scifi unnecessarily complicated and very overdramatic mega-nonsense. Then a couple of years later I get reall into your super nerdy typical anime/scifi unnecessarily complicated and very overdramatic mega-nonsense. So here I am 2 days in, a little over 12 hours played and im eating my hat. This game is fucking great. Even better its F2P but in a good way.

Basically theres 2 types of currency. Credits which can be earned in game and platinum which can be bought with real money. The platinum bundle prices are kind of insane in my opinion. 50 bucks for 1000 credits. But then again that can buy you a couple of warframes(your character essentially) so I cant really complain. Everything can be crafted though. Through hours of farming and hours of crafting you can build everything you want. I've unfortunately started spending money on it and I most likely will again. Its so tempting. But I definitely dont have a problem farming things.

Its a simple game on the surface but has a deeper level of complexity for those who really want something they can get their hands dirty in. Its very well executed and very fun to play, especially with friends. Combat is slick. Especially the melee combat(the animations are pretty damn sexy). Very well optimized too. Im playing it on my crappy laptop and it runs pretty damn well. There's plenty more to talk about but i'm way too lazy to sit here and right a proper review but there is plenty more too love about the game.

So any of you guys played it? Anybody willing to give it a try? Definitely be down to play with some of you guys.