I'm curious to know how people come up with the tricks they do in their vids and just how they skate in general.

Personally, i like to see creativity in vids rather than going over board with realism, I do enjoy realistic vids but sometimes i see combos and i think they could do better, I really enjoy it when someone has a unique style such as pawnluv, perm, sickone5 etc. i love how they do huge gaps or just hit something going rapid and still somehow keep it sort of realistic looking if that makes sense, also their choice of music for vids too

i ride a scooter (don't start, i skate too) so i mostly try and imagine a combo i'd probably do rl (or think about doing) and think about how i'd do it on a skateboard, i love doing "body twister" combos and tricks over real high shit, i basically just like to try keep it stylish rather than realistic

How do you play??