I don't care about ABD spots (such as the infamous blue rail) as long as it's not just a 3 flip or boardslide or whatever.
When I find something to skate I always try to think of what might not have been done there. I'm not a living encyclopedia when it comes to what has been done where (especially for S2) but for the most part I'm happy with what I do at spots.
My favorite tricks in other dudes videos are ones that make me mad I didn't do/think of them first.
I just do tricks that I think look good. A lot of the time they take me a while to get.
It bothers me in parts when the camera shakes at the end of a line/trick. I know it happens to everyone where you don't notice it when filming once or twice and it ends up in a part (same with ghosting in S2) but there are solos I watch where it's about every trick and it drives me nuts!
The owl cam thing for me is hard to watch because there's so much going on, despite that, I still think some of the tricks they do are the most difficult that can be done in the game.
I also haven't seen the 80's VHS theme in a while and I'm glad because that was overdone to shit. Irl included.
Also not a fan of parts that are 50% skating and 50% other shit.
I guess for me it's more of a list of "dont's" than "dos." Im not too picky as long as I can tell someone took their time finding good tricks and filming them well.