Quote Originally Posted by i am a snail View Post
do people say this? i mean maybe in skate 2 but in 3 it's a lot easier to get away with lower mm settings since you dont have to worry about ghosting. you can easily make 14/15mm look incredibly solid, all my footy is 14-15mm for lines and, like, 12-13 for single tricks.

as far as what i like to look for in videos, and as someone who prefers to watch and make more realistic-style edits, it's gotta have both the substance AND the style. anyone can do X trick, but only a select few can do X trick with Y tweak at Z spot and hit W landing animation as they roll away. ive spent like 15-20 minutes trying to get ollies over big gaps because i wanted a certain landing animation. demz takes DAYS to get the animations he wants. once you watch enough videos it's easier to understand what i'm talking about, it becomes very apparent which clips had the most time spent on them, and those are the clips i like to see.
yeah I meant ANYTHING OVER 17mm..... you caught me Snail
my bad my bad