If they would just tell us already, I could easily go get a capture device.
They wouldn't leave us in the dark unless something was up. What it is, debatable, but something isn't right.

HCH, there is likely a workaround to that..
well, maybe..
There usually is.
Have you tried capturing it, going into the editor, slow-mo it, upload it.
Download it, throw it into a video editor, speed it back up?
Basically what some do for awesome ramped slow-mos.. Just wonder if it can be utilized for something like this.
I can't remember if the upload editor does all that, I don't do much in it.
Obviously I can't say Skate 3 will look good because I have no idea, but yes very fast games can look crazy, I don't even try to capture them for that reason.
Take the new DOOM game for example..
You know what's happening if you've played it before but some things don't feel worth recording unless you turn off the motion blur and still things can be hard to see.
I still have to try out black ops, I installed it and DLC just didn't get around to playing it last night.