What's up? I don't remember. There have been so many people to come through the community. I wasn't too big into LB Mag, respected it, but just never hung out there.
I miss clip of the week contests though!
It's great to see people coming back.
I didn't realize there were so many people into hip hop, that's cool.
We talked about making an EA Skate Rap once.
As for producing, I can't really speak from technical or advanced experience. Took no classes, never had or been in a studio.
I do believe in working with what ya got though, and holding onto things to long kinda makes my projects sour. That's me though.
I made my first mixtape and though it was terrible, It was a nice release and gave me a perspective later in life. As far as how long I should spend on projects.
I spent no money other than for a microphone. Used free software, and made the entire hour of rap in a week. Granted, I was on summer break with no responsibilities then.
Haha, maybe it's not even that big of a deal but I was just thinking don't sell yourself short if you think it wouldn't be as good. I have yet to want studio time personally.
Almost like using vintage cameras versus HD 4K. You can make both work and if you aren't so worried about quality you may even do more projects.