Years of development out the window, pretty shitty way to end it. I wasn't excited for the game at all, but I'm sure the team behind it put in endless hours into this project and Microsoft gutted it. I'm curious how shutting it down, at this point, was better then just letting the finished product go out. Their potential for return on their investment just went from anywhere from a flop, to a huge profit, but now it's nothing. The explanation for them pulling the plug on this game is fucking ridiculously vague as well, "We’re working hard to deliver an amazing lineup of games to our fans this year, including Halo Wars 2, Crackdown 3, State of Decay 2, Sea of Thieves and other great experiences." Since scalebound was going to be an xbox one exclusive, they basically said 'We're shutting down an exclusive game to you guys, to bring you other exclusives, that we might also cancel!'