Added you on.

I would like to talk to people while streaming, haven't had enough attention to do so.
There's Honestly a bit more involved in streaming than I anticipated.
I don't really get how you build the right audience, I seem to attract kids. Not that I don't like Kids but I'm not a babysitter and playing games with them can be annoying.
Mixer has the option to set your stream up as "Mature" or "Teen" but It is not anything forced on viewers, just a warning before joining your chat anyways. Kinda dumb.
Mixer also has some crazy things like, No delay- Chat shows up in real time. Co-Streams, more than one stream on screen at a time.
I know that Twitch has been a platform for longer though, so that explains why Mixer has a few more kinks to iron out. Some nice Ideas on Mixer though.
Twitch may pick up on that stuff and change their formula, who knows. Heavily considering Twitch though, seems like everyone is there already.
From time to time I also have issues with voice versus game volume control, I don't know if this is the Mixer App or something else but yeah.
I think I'm funny, Kinda bummed people can't always hear me.
I may need some upgrades. Just trying to feel things out though, will share anything else I learn.