Hey Demz,
you are bringing lots of good points out there!
Quckly, the major points I can bring are these:

Getting on Grinds: Right now the first pass is purely input driven, meaning no mather what angle you attack a rail won't change your grinds. on grinds 2nd pass we will integrate the fact you can for exemple turn 90degrees and do a boardslide that way. this is a huge task and the first past needed to be recognizing the grinds and inputs

Flip out: right now the trick out orientation is always the same. (which doesnt make sens for any slides) this is going to be happening later down the road too but quite soon too because this is really important to nail this early

Height of Ollies and Tricks: we'll have another pass on the flick speed as well and on top of that we have a feature that will be explained in our KS campaign related to your skater progress

Fliptricks: this will change a lot and what you guys have in term of feel is going to go become a on/off switch to edit your experience. E.G.: control flip speed (on) the default mode will allow you to play with the speed of your flips.

Manuals: Thanks, glad to hear you like it! reverts are in the list and if I'm right it's the next thing we attack (reverts on landings and manuals)

No Impossibles?: this will appear in our bag of trick 2nd pass, same for no complies, handplants fast bean egg whatever plants haha (even maybe some pressure flips!? :P) we already have all the inputs set to call those tricks

Feet Set-Up Animation: Unfortunately, with the controls we decided to go with, there is not lots of ways to predict the foot placement other than nollie or ollie (eventually we'll have proper switch anim that will affect a bit your pose but this is much later)

Let's start with this, I imagine there's enough food for toughts!

cheers and sick line Nelson!