Quote Originally Posted by BladderBoy View Post
The cameras in that pic are from a photogrammetry rig - used for making photoreal 3d models of people, or anything else. Maybe he posted it because he's a photo nerd looking at hi-tech photo gear. Or maybe he's getting scanned for an S4 promo. Maybe he's directing a shoot. Who knows. It's pretty clear to me though, that those aren't Atiba's cameras, but rather a scanning rig in a studio.
Exactly. That's what I was getting towards. Atiba, if you look at his Instagram, it's pretty clear he shoots a lot of lifestyle stuff and studio stuff of basketball players. He lives in LA and I don't think it's farfetched for him to be directing / working on shoots in Redwood for NBA games or whatever. I certainly don't see it as a definitive sign Skate 4 is imminent. I find it hard to believe if they were bringing in pros and shit we wouldn't be hearing about it, the skate industry is not one that can keep a secret very well.